Archived: DeviantArt Protect: 80,000 NFT Alerts Sent by team on DeviantArt

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DeviantArt Protect now scans over 3.8 million new NFT images every week, and since the addition of NFT protection in August 2021, over 80,000 alerts regarding potential NFT infringement have been sent.


DeviantArt Protect now scans over 3.8 million new NFT images every week, and since the addition of NFT protection in August 2021, over 80,000 alerts regarding potential NFT infringement have been sent.

The increase in popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been notable in recent months, and with it, the issue of art theft related to NFTs has also grown dramatically. The amount of DeviantArt Protect alerts sent for NFT infringements grew throughout the last three months of 2021, showing increases of:

  • 30% from September to October

  • 100% from October to November

  • Over 300% from November to mid-December

In mid-December, we rolled out an additional layer of protection through DeviantArt Protect—including monitoring and blocking mechanisms—to safeguard and defend deviants against malicious bots that copy art without permission to mint as NFTs.

While the issue of bot-related art theft continues to be a hot topic in the NFT space, DeviantArt is seeing positive results with our technology. Since launching bot protection through DeviantArt Protect, alerts for NFT infringement related to art theft bot attacks dropped over 600%. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, learning from and adapting to new strategies to ensure your art is protected.


DeviantArt Protect was developed in-house by DeviantArt with the purpose of protecting our artists from art theft. Our only collaboration with other creator platforms and NFT marketplaces is leveraging their APIs to scan for possible art infringement.

DeviantArt Protect is available to all deviants for 3 months after each work is submitted, with unlimited coverage on all deviations provided to Core Members.

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