Archived: GitHub - palewire/wordpress-memento-plugin: A plugin for Wordpress web sites to enable the Memento framework for time-based access

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A plugin for Wordpress web sites to enable the Memento framework for time-based access - GitHub - palewire/wordpress-memento-plugin: A plugin for Wordpress web sites to enable the Memento framework...


A plugin for Wordpress web sites to enable the Memento framework for time-based access

This is a work in progress and should not be expected to work.

Build Status

Installation from source code

Install the system requirements.

$ sudo apt-get install php5 php5-dev php-pear phpunit

Install Wordpress and its dependencies, however you might like. Here's one guide.

Clone this repository on your computer.

$ git clone

Jump into the directory.

$ cd wordpress-memento-plugin

Create a symbolic link between the source code and the plugin directory in your local Wordpress installation.

$ ln -s `pwd`/memento/ /path-to-your-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/memento

Open up the administration panel of your local Wordpress installation and you should see Memento among the installed plugins.

Running tests

Unittests are written for phpunit and executed like so: