Archived: Fedi Monster

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Use this page embed on your own site:, simple and reliable Mastodon instance hosting


Pixelfed is free photo sharing platform, federating through ActivityPub.

Plan Personal Premium Community More
Cost 5€/month 19€/month 39€/month Ask us!
Accounts 10 100 500
Media storage 100GB 500GB 1TB

With daily backups, reasonable processing power and flexible limits, a flat rate and no hidden costs.

GoToSocial is lightweight microblogging software, federating through ActivityPub, and compatible with the Mastodon API.
It is a young project still HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL. Make sure you know what you're in for! (or what you won't find yet)

Plan Personal
Cost 5€/month
Accounts 50
Media storage 50GB

With daily backups, reasonable processing power and flexible limits, a flat rate and no hidden costs.