What is happening?
Legal Developments
Automattic is ordered to undo several of the actions of its CEO Matt Mullenweg in its ongoing legal battle with WP Engine. “It's hard to imagine wanting to continue to working on WordPress after this," Mullenweg said in a community Slack message.
What Automattic Says
It has to be said and repeated: WP Engine is not WordPress. My own mother was confused and thought WP Engine was an official thing. Their branding, marketing, advertising, and entire promise to cus…
Pending their legal claims and litigation against WordPress.org, WP Engine no longer has free access to WordPress.org’s resources.
What WPEngine Says
PDF of the Cease and Desist Letter
WP Engine celebrates its longstanding commitment to the WordPress community, highlighting core contributions, community support, and ongoing innovation.
Journalistic Rundowns
The move likely won’t have direct impact on most enterprise users, but indirect impact — which could be just as bad — is a definite possibility.
Matt Mullenweg unleashed a no-holds-barred tirade at WP Engine, which has been commercializing WordPress since 2010.
The brouhaha in the WordPress community looks likely to escalate into a legal battle around trademarks.
This story has been updated throughout with more details as the story has developed. We will continue to do so as the case and dispute are ongoing. The
The employees accepted a severance package offered to those who disagreed with Matt Mullenweg's direction of WordPress and his fight with WP Engine.
The WordPress situation devolves further, which raises an obvious question: What does this mean for every other open-source project?
Hi everyone! Mathew Ingram here. This is The Torment Nexus (you can find out more about me and this newsletter — and why I chose to call it that — in my inaugural post.) Since this is only the fifth edition of the newsletter, I am still working out some bugs, so please bear with me. Thanks for reading – and if you decide to subscribe, or upgrade to paid, thank you for that as well! Your contributions allow me to continue doing this. None of these newsletters are behind a paywall at this point (I
WordPress.org users are forced to confirm they are not "affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise" before registering a new account or logging in.
WordPress cofounder Matt Mullenweg has ignited a battle with third-party hosting service WP Engine. Here’s the latest on the drama.
Matt Mullenweg, who founded WordPress more than two decades ago, finds himself in a legal battle against Silver Lake over the firm's ownership of WP Engine.
Trademark royalties is one way to force support of open source, we guess
The dispute between WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and hosting provider WP Engine continues, with Mullenweg announcing that WordPress is “forking” a
WordPress cofounder Matt Mullenweg is facing backlash after calling a rival hosting platform WP Engine a “cancer” to the WordPress community.
This story has been updated throughout with more details as the story has developed. We will continue to do so as the case and dispute are ongoing. The
There are few matters in life that divide a room more than the prudence of putting pineapple on pizza. But if you’re of the persuasion that tropical fruit has no place on a pie, you’ll have to swallow a bitter pill — if you want to access the WordPress.org developer portal and forum, at least. […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
The Problem and Potential Solutions
Matt attacked WP Engine, then the community fired back. Here are my thoughts on this dumpster fire and why we might be entering a very dangerous era for WordPress.
I'm still catching up, but here's the next post in the Matt vs Everyone fiasco.
How open source projects can balance Makers and Takers: lessons from Drupal's contribution credit system and recommendations for WordPress and other open source communities.
I believe Matt Mullenweg's abuses of his unilateral, unchecked powers prove that it is in the best interest of the entire WordPress community that he be removed from power immediately.
Matt –I had the pleasure of attending WCUS in Portland and was present for your presentation. In the broadest sense you believe that WP Engine is not contributing enough back to WordPress. I don’t believe the way it has been handled has been helpful to the community, in fact, I believe it has been harmful. I hope that trust can be regained and the Community can heal.
Congratulations on your decision to fork WordPress! You’ve taken on a mammoth task, I’m impressed with your willingness step up to the challenge of a lifetime. I’m here to give so…
The WordPress Foundation
The feud between Automattic and WP Engine has continued, with WordPress.org blocking access by WP Engine’s servers. In WP Engine Must Win, I wrote about my thoughts on the legal argument on this battle, and why it is important that WP Engine win the trademark case in order to protect the ecosystem. I also touched on the moral argument: The case […]
During an interview with The Verge, WordPress cofounder Matt Mullenweg said WordPress.org “belongs to me” and addressed the dispute with WP Engine.
The Custom Fields Plugin
On behalf of the WordPress security team, I am announcing that we are invoking point 18 of the plugin directory guidelines and are forking Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) into a new plugin, Secure Cus…
We were saddened and appalled by Matt Mullenweg’s actions this morning appropriating the Advanced Custom Fields plugin that our ACF team has been actively
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is no longer on WordPress.org, sites running ACF. here is what you need to know and what actions to take.
WordPress.org took control of WP Engine’s Advanced Custom Fields plugin, forking and renaming it “Secure Custom Fields.”
On Contributions
Commit to the future of WordPress and the open web.
As we learn more about the Matt vs WP Engine fight, it's time to clear up some major misconceptions.
The Community Shifts
At the heart of our community is our shared pledge to create a space that is harassment-free, welcoming, and inclusive for all. Our Community Code of Conduct already outlines a clear set of expecta…
At the beginning of September, I left my role as Head of Programs & Contributor Experience at Automattic and stepped away from the WordPress project. It has been An Adjustment, leaving such an invigorating role that, for a long time, I truly loved. In truth, I’m still processing my choice to leave a company and community I had been embedded in for six years.
Welcome to the new Mods. Let's talk about how we move forward
byu/AspirePress inWordpress
While any plugin can have an unlimited number of committers and support reps, there is only one official owner of a plugin at any time. This…
The Trademark Battle
Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg called WP Engine “a cancer to WordPress.”…
On stage at WordCamp US last week, Matt Mullenweg gave a keynote presentation which made a wide range of points about contribution, the ethics of open source, and the commitments various companies make to contributing. In particular, he called out WP Engine in what was a fairly clear direction to the community to stop using […]
Introduction On 3 October 2024, an Associate General Counsel at Automattic published a useful post on “WordPress Trademarks: A Legal Perspective”. The post is useful for a few reasons, including because it acknowledges, I believe for the first time during the current controversy, the role of nominative fair use. And so, in that sense, it contributes to the community’s understanding of Automattic’s take on the trademark issues. I have been saying for a while now that nominative fair use would likely be a central issue in any trademark litigation between Automattic and WP Engine. WP Engine’s court filing confirms that. Why I have written this post I have written this post because Automattic’s positions on: trademark infringement in its cease and desist letter to WP Engine; and nominative fair use in the post referred to above, are potentially significant for large numbers of other WordPress hosting providers (excluding WordPress.com). As a long-time user of WordPress, it concerns me that such an important topic is not being more openly discussed by other lawyers, particularly US trademark …
Yeah ... the inside track of WordPress is a mess right now. I'm sure we all have opinions, so I figured I should log mine in as well.
The WordPress Foundation owns and oversees the trademarks for the names and logos of WordPress as well as a few other WordPress-related brands. Trademarks are a signifier of a product’s identity an…
One of the many lies in Silver Lake and WP Engine’s C&D was their claim that Automattic demanded money from them moments before our CEO Matt Mullenweg gave his keynote at WordCamp US. Tha…
Even the best-known brands can find themselves in a legal tangle when it comes to trademark issues. And the current WordPress trademark spat reminds us that small businesses can get caught in the crossfire of these battles.
Matt Mullenweg, the WordPress co-founder and Automattic CEO, has been embroiled in a very public and legal fight with WP Engine these last few weeks over
Last night, WP Engine filed a baseless lawsuit against Automattic, Matt Mullenweg, and WordPress.org. Their complaint is flawed, start to finish. We vehemently deny WP Engine’s allegations—which ar…
Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine filed a meritless lawsuit and Automattic responded, and there’s been a hurrica…,Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine filed a meritless lawsuit and Automattic responded, and there’s been a hurrican…
Last Friday we said goodbye to 159 colleagues as part of our alignment offer. It was a tough day, there are a lot of close relationships within Automattic, and goodbyes are always hard. On Monday,…,Last Friday we said goodbye to 159 colleagues as part of our alignment offer. It was a tough day, there are a lot of close relationships within Automattic, and goodbyes are always hard. On Monday, …
Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg made another buyout offer this week, and threatened employees who speak to the press with termination.
Given the egregious legal attacks by WP Engine against WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, a number of their customers have been looking for alternative hosting, and in return a number of hosts ha…
Days after 159 people accepted Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg’s offer of a six-month severance package to employees who wanted to leave, the company
On Blocking WPEngine
That escalated quickly
This is an appeal to temporarily reconsider your recent decision to ban WP Engine from WordPress.org.
WordPress users reported seeing an extra check-box at the log-in page, requiring them to agree that Pineapple is delicious on pizza.
Why is this Happening?
The censored Reddit post on why Matt Mullenweg is really going after WP Engine.
Much has been made about the verbal and legal spat between Automattic/Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine. There are plenty of arguments to be made for each side. However, I’d like to examine what I see as a broader issue. And it has nothing to do with Mullenweg’s role as project…
(This post should be read while listening to Wish by Joshua Redman. The writing is synchronized to the music reading speed.) Contributor day just wrapped up for Portland for WordCamp US. If you ev…,(This post should be read while listening to Wish by Joshua Redman. The writing is synchronized to the music reading speed.) Contributor day just wrapped up for Portland for WordCamp US. If you eve…
Automattic, creator of Wordpress, is being sued by one of the largest WordPress hosting providers. The conflict fits into a trend of billion-dollar companies struggling to effectively monetize open source, and are changing tactics to limit their competition and increase their revenue.
Matt Mullenweg
I knew going to war with Silver Lake, a $102B private equity firm, they would pull out every dirty trick to try to smear my name, do oppo research, imply I’m a mafia boss trying to extort th…,I knew going to war with Silver Lake, a $102B private equity firm, they would pull out every dirty trick to try to smear my name, do oppo research, imply I’m a mafia boss trying to extort the…
Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg has rescinded an 8% licensing deal offered to WP Engine in September, suggesting that escalating tensions between the two companies could lead to a corporate acquisition by Automattic. In an interview with The Repository, Mullenweg said Automattic now wanted more than 8% of WP Engine’s annual revenue, or an equivalent of […]

TL;DR: Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Automattic, co-founder of WordPress, and single point of failure for WordPress.org is trying to bully me with legal threats over my commentary regarding his recent…
If I close my eyes I can still smell the pages of well-worn books and feel their dusty spines, walking down the quiet aisles of the public library in the small town where I grew up. It wasn’t one o…
The Community Reacts
Before diving into the details of this announcement, I want to address something important. I am, like all of you, a human being. Given the current tensions in the WordPress ecosystem, my decision to move from WP Engine to Automattic might evoke strong feelings. Whether you agree or disagree with this decision, please recognize me as a human. Please treat me with respect, even if you strongly oppose my choices. The WordPress community is one I care deeply about, and we all benefit from respectful dialogue, no matter our differences.
The right to fork the software is at the heart of open source. WordPress itself started as a fork of the b2/cafelog project. WordPress was one of several forks from b2, which included b2++ (which e…
If the revolution had a lobby, you’d be standing in it.
As neither of the current Accessibility team representatives are able to log-in to WordPress.org, team meetings are suspended until further notice. Bug scrubs will continue to run as normal.
Why do we exist? AspirePress Exists to be a community of individuals focused on helping WordPress become the platform we all aspire for it to be. Who are we? We are open-source maintainers, business owners and dedicated community volunteers. What do we do? We develop packages, plugins and tools for WordPress. Our source code is
We restyle OpenPress using shadcn UI components, using OpenAgents to convert them from React to Laravel Blade.
Preserving and protecting the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and distribute WordPress.
Relevant Previous Events
Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Tumblr owner Automattic, is supposed to be on sabbatical. Instead, he’s arguing with Tumblr users over an individual content
Internal documents obtained by 404 Media show that Tumblr staff compiled users' data as part of a deal with Midjourney and OpenAI.