This site is intended to serve as a companion resource for Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) events.
The idea is to bring together what we know about trans people we have lost so that others can understand who they were and what happened to them. Although we often know very little, what we do know is absolutely heartbreaking - but we owe it to all of those we have lost to do at least that.

The idea for the site came about as a direct result of the experiences of Anna-Jayne Metcalfe while collating information in preparation for the TDoR 2017 vigil in Bournemouth, United Kingdom. Afterwards she wrote the blogpost Remembering Our Dead Never Gets Any Easier. Please be warned that it is not an easy read.
Subsequently, what she learned about each of the victims was written up in a series of blogposts (one per month) starting at TDoR 2017: Say their names. Learn their stories. Remember them.
Although she also wrote a similar series of blogposts for TDoR 2018, the aim was always to develop a dedicated site for this purpose instead.
This site aims to be just that. It includes resources that can be used during TDoR memorial events, including data for trans murder and suicide victims dating back to 1970. If you need a suitable data set for TDoR research, you may well find here.
Open Sourced Code and Data
All code and data produced to support this site has been open sourced to ensure that nothing should be lost if anything happens to the site or anyone working on it. Project repositories are available on GitHub at:
- ( code)
- (archive of published data)
- (wiki containing data on unpublished cases, in Zim format)
You can also export a snapshot of the data (in a slightly richer CSV format than contained in the raw archives above) directly from the Reports page.
Can You Help?
Supporting a website like this is difficult and time consuming, so if you can help in any way (be it research, editing or coding) you would be most welcome. If you would like to collaborate to help us to develop things further, please contact us, either by email or via Twitter. Links to relevant news reports can also be posted to Trans Violence News on Facebook.
We must never forget that all of this is just a means to an end - that end being an end to transphobic violence and everything that stems from it. We'd also be remiss if we didn't say thank you to all of the activists worldwide who are working to shine a light on the horror and make sure that those we have lost are not forgotten.
We hope that one day things will change for the better and a site like this will no longer be needed.