Archived: Hydroxychloroquine could have caused 17,000 deaths during Covid, study finds

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Former US President Donald Trump said: ‘What do you have to lose? Take it.’

coronavirus, data, drug and device safety, hospitals, infectious diseases, patients, research and development, Belgium, Canada, Coronavirus, Data, Donald Trump, Drug and device safety, France, Hospitals, Infectious diseases, Italy, Patients, Research and Development, Spain, Turkey, United StatesReadArchived

Paris court rejects appeal against chemicals giant over Vietnam War use of Agent Orange

Paris court rejects appeal against chemicals giant over Vietnam War use of Agent Orange

Tran To Nga says she has had tuberculosis, cancer and type II diabetes after being exposed to the herbicide in 1966.

Aug 22 2 mins read

Congo to EU: Give us your mpox jabs

Congo to EU: Give us your mpox jabs

The European Commission says Europe responded immediately and is not holding back stocks.

Aug 20 6 mins read

Heightened mpox vigilance urged by EU as deadly virus spreads

Heightened mpox vigilance urged by EU as deadly virus spreads

The virus is fast-spreading in Africa, where it has claimed more than 500 lives this year.

Aug 16 4 mins read

European West Nile virus death toll reaches 8

European West Nile virus death toll reaches 8

Cases are higher this year in Spain and Greece, while Europe’s numbers are within an expected range.

Aug 12 2 mins read