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Web Monetization (WM) is a proposed API standard that allows websites to request


Web Monetization (WM) is a proposed API standard that allows websites to request a stream of very small payments (e.g. fractions of a cent) from a user.

The API's framework provides new revenue models for websites and web-based services and is an alternative to subscription services and advertising, all while preserving the user's privacy.

In exchange for payments from the user, websites can provide the user with a "premium" experience, such as allowing access to exclusive content, removing advertising, or even removing the need to log in to access content or services.

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Provide websites with a way to collect multiple small payments from users in exchange for consuming the site's content and/or services.

Frictionless user experience#

Allow users to pre-approve payments in aggregate or delegate the authorization of individual small payments to a component/service (a Web Monetization agent) that makes decisions about when and how much to pay websites without the need for user interaction.

User privacy#

This system must preserve the user's privacy. It must not be possible for websites to track users on the basis of the payments they make, and it must not be possible for the user's Web Monetization provider to get details of a user's browsing history.


Online purchases#

Web Monetization is intended to enable very small payments. This distinction is important because very small payments can be performed with different levels of user consent, unlike larger payments, such as those used in traditional e-commerce.

Flow overview#


  • Users must have an account or subscription with a Web Monetization provider (also known as a WM sender).
  • Users must have a Web Monetization agent installed in their browser with the necessary authorization to initiate payments from the WM provider on the user's behalf.
  • Websites must sign up with, or run their own, Web Monetization receiver.

    The WM receiver and WM provider do not need a direct relationship. Their shared use of the Interledger network allows payments to be sent from the WM provider to the WM receiver.

Sequence diagram#



The numbers correspond to the diagram above. The flow is simplified to exclude some edge cases.

  1. Sites that support Web Monetization include a <meta> tag containing a payment pointer. The browser (user agent) parses the tag to determine where to send payments.

  2. The browser uses its internal Web Monetization agent to calculate an appropriate rate of payments to make to the site.

  3. The browser generates a unique session ID for this payment session.

  4. The browser fetches a unique destination address and shared secret for the session from the site's payment pointer URL.

  5. (Optional) A payment receipt verifier service (operated by the site or a third party) proxies the request and sends a Receipt Secret to generate receipts and Receipt Nonce to include in those receipts to the WM Receiver.

  6. With the site's page still in focus, the browser begins initiating payments to the website at the calculated rate from the user's WM provider.

    Issue 17 - Support Streaming to Background Tabs

    What about people listening to monetized music in a background tab?

  7. The WM provider sends the payment to the WM receiver.

  8. (Optional) The WM receiver generates and sends a receipt to the WM provider.

  9. The WM provider notifies the browser of successful payments.

  10. The browser, in turn, dispatches an event that informs the page of the payment.

  11. (Optional) The page confirms payment by sending the receipt to the verifier service.

Why is a standard required?#

There are many services attempting to provide alternative means to monetize the web and generate revenue for content creators and service providers without selling ads.

However, most of these require that the user and the creator/producer/service provider join a common network that offers to facilitate the transactions between users and these services.

The result is a fragmented web of closed content and service silos, rather than the global and open web we desire. Further, users sacrifice their privacy because the service is both collecting payments from the user and paying out to the creator/producer/service provider. The service is therefore able to correlate payments and collect data about which services are accessed by users.

Web Monetization decouples the provider (sender) and the receiver. Using the browser as an intermediary, the privacy of users is protected and payments can't be used to track a user across sites.

Design discussion points#

This proposal is modeled on a working implementation that uses a browser extension to provide the necessary browser-side functionality. However, there are various design decisions that may be worth discussing further as a community as we figure out how Web Monetization could be built directly into browsers.

By bringing this work to the WICG, our goal is to get input from multiple Web Monetization providers and implementors to refine the design and produce a W3C standards-track specification.

Declarative vs imperative API#

The current proposal is for a hybrid declarative and imperative API. Websites declare their ability to accept web monetized payments using a <meta> tag in the page header. Imperatively, a developer can then access the global monetization object on the DOM to track incoming payment streams/events and react to these (by showing/hiding ads, etc.).

Issue 33 - Declarative vs Imperative API

Use updated Payment Request and Payment Handler APIs#

The Web Payments WG has designed two APIs that follow a similar pattern to Web Monetization but for a different use case.

The Payment Request API is an imperative API that websites can use to request a single discrete payment. The API is designed to always prompt the user for authorization as part of the flow, as the API is designed for payment sizes where this is necessary. However, nothing prevents the API from also supporting a non-interactive flow that supports Web Monetization use cases.

The Payment Handler API aligns well with the model anticipated for WM providers. A provider might manifest as a specialized payment handler capable of returning not just a PaymentResponse but also a handle to a stream of micropayments.

Issue 34 - Use Updated Payment Request and Payment Handler APIs?

This sounds a lot like streams...#

In keeping with the trend toward streaming APIs, the API surface could be updated to implement the WHATWG Stream API rather than events.

We will investigate the pros/cons of using streams and events for Web Monetization as part of the incubation process.

Issue 27 - Readable Stream vs Progress Event vs Both


Web Monetization depends on two critical technologies/concepts that enable open and interoperable payments between providers and websites for very small amounts: Interledger and payment pointers.


Interledger is a payment messaging protocol for making payments of any size that can be aggregated and settled over existing payment networks (including those that do not support very small payment sizes or real-time payments clearing).

The design of the protocol also allows for payments to be made that span multiple underlying settlement networks, improving the interoperability and reach of existing networks.

Web Monetization providers and receivers use the Interledger protocol to exchange payments. The provider and WM receiver might be directly connected or might connect via one or more intermediaries. This will be driven by the regulatory requirements and the status of intermediaries as registered money services businesses.

For more details see

Payment pointers#

Payment pointers are a convenient and concise way to express a URL that points to a secure payment initiation endpoint on the Web.

Payment pointers resolve to an HTTPS URL using simple conversion rules.

Using payment pointers, systems that offer payment accounts can give users a simple and easy-to-remember identifier for their account that's safe to share with 3rd parties (unlike a credit card number) and is immediately identifiable as a payment account identifier.

Example payment pointers: $alice.wallet.example and $wallet.example/alice.

These resolve to https://alice.wallet.example/.well-known/pay and https://wallet.example/alice respectively.

Websites that use Web Monetization require a destination address for their payments (which they will get from their WM receiver). The address must be inserted into the appropriate meta tag.

For more details see

Getting Started#

For a high-level overview, see the Quick start guide.

Set up a receiving account#

To use Web Monetization a website owner must have a financial account at a service provider capable of receiving payments (WM receiver) via the Interledger protocol.

Such a service (a digital wallet, bank, or similar) must provide the website owner with a payment pointer that serves as the public address for the account.

Example: Alice owns the website at https://rocknrollblog.example and opens an account at Secure Receiving Wallet Ltd..

Secure Wallet tells Alice that the payment pointer for her account is $secure-wallet.example/~alice.

For privacy reasons Alice might also get the payment pointer

$secure-wallet.example/db74f8b4-d6a0-4489-a021-e785e5efb229 or be able to generate new addresses on demand (this would be a feature of her WM receiver).

Add <meta> tag to website header#

The website contains a <meta> tag in the header of the HTML documents it serves. The tag's name attribute must always have the value monetization. The value of the content attribute is the payment pointer where the website will accept payments.

Example: Alice puts the tag <meta name="monetization" content="$secure-wallet.example/~alice"> into the <head> section of https://rocknrollblog.example.

Web Monetization only works on pages containing the meta tag. Pages must be secure (served over HTTPS, or http://localhost for testing) to preclude bad actors, like ISPs injecting their own <meta> tags into pages.

Issue 14 (Closed) - Legitimate Meta Tags

How do we ensure only legitimate tags are parsed by the browser?

Handle payments#

When a user visits a monetized site with a supported browser the site will find a document.monetization object in the DOM. The object will have a state property that the website can check to determine if the user's WM provider has started sending payments.

The document.monetization object will emit events when monetization starts and then subsequently each time a payment is sent successfully by the WM provider. The start event will contain a unique identifier for the payment stream that can be used to correlate the payments at the WM receiver with the user's current browser session.

Example: Alice adds the client-side code shown below to her website to listen for the relevant monetization events. Now her site only shows advertising if she isn't receiving payments.

Issue 16 - Use PaymentCurrencyAmount Dictionary

Should the amount in the monetizationprogress event use the existing PaymentCurrencyAmount type?

Browser behavior#

A web monetized browser exposes a document.monetization DOM object that implements EventTarget and has a read-only state property. The object allows you to track Web Monetization events and see whether the user visiting your page is web monetized.

  1. If the browser finds a valid payment pointer in a page's <meta> tag it generates a fresh UUID (version 4) and uses this as the session ID from this point forward.

    This session ID MUST be unique per page load, NOT per browser, session, or site.

    • The <meta> tag MUST be in the <head> of the document.
    • If the <meta> tag is well-formed, the browser will extract the payment pointer.
    • If the <meta> tag is malformed, the browser will abort monetization processing. The browser SHOULD report a warning via the console.
  2. The browser uses its internal Web Monetization agent to calculate the rate it should pay the current website. If the result is 0 it aborts.

  3. The browser resolves the payment pointer and gets a unique Interledger address (destination address) and shared secret to use for the current session. The browser then begins sending payments via the WM provider.

  4. The browser invokes the user's WM provider by emitting new PaymentRequestEvent events with the necessary details.

  5. Once the WM provider has successfully completed the first payment with a non-zero amount, the browser sets the document.monetization.state to started and then dispatches the monetizationstart event on document.monetization. The event has a detail field with an object containing the payment pointer and the session ID (referred to as the requestId in the object).

  6. The browser continues to send payments at the calculated rate. Every time it completes a payment (including the first payment) it dispatches a monetizationprogress event from document.monetization. The event has a detail field with an object containing the amount and currency (assetCode) of the payment as well as an optional receipt.

  7. Payment continues until the user closes/leaves the page or the browser decides to stop payment. The browser can decide to start and stop payments at any time (e.g., if the user is idle or backgrounds the page).

Auditing / dashboard#

It must be possible for users to get summaries of payments compiled by the browser. Summaries allow users to reconcile information from websites and WM providers about how much they have paid. Payments should be broken down by the:

  • Origin of the websites paid
  • WM provider making the payments
  • Date and time

It should also be possible to:

  • Tell the browser NOT to pay a particular website any money. For example, when a web monetized user visits a monetized site containing opposing viewpoints or etc. and doesn't want to contribute financially.
  • Give the browser a list of sites which can optionally be paid more than the usual sum. For example, when a web monetized user visits a favorite charity's monetized website.

Web Monetization provider interface#

The Web Monetization provider (sender) interface leverages the Payment Handler API.

More details are provided in the Sending payments page.

Existing implementations#

Please submit a PR if you are aware of updates to the lists below.

Web Monetization receivers#

Web Monetization providers (senders)#
