We Stand for Integrity
Look for our 8 Trust Indicators, now presented on hundreds of news sites. They are the first global transparency standard that helps people know who and what is behind a news story: policies to ensure honesty, accuracy and fairness, commitments to own up to mistakes, details about ownership, info on a journalist’s expertise, and more.
The Trust Project built the Trust Indicators by asking people what they value in the news – and what wins and loses their trust. Then we married their insights with bedrock journalism values to come up with eight core disclosures that every reader, listener and viewer deserves to know.
The Trust Project operates as a consortium of top news companies led by founder and award-winning journalist Sally Lehrman. We are people and organizations dedicated to restoring the trusted role of the press in serving the public good.
The 8 Trust Indicators
Los 8 Indicadores de Confianza Descargar
We asked people what they look for in trusted media – and from their answers, we created ‘Trust Indicators’ for the press to build into news sites.
Best Practices
Journalist Expertise
Type of Work
Locally Sourced
Diverse Voices
Actionable Feedback
Across the Globe
The Trust Project has global reach like no other.
The Trust Project Network
With more than 300 news sites as partners, The Trust Project continues to champion news transparency and accuracy. Join us today.
Helping Tech Support Trustworthy News
The Trust Project is the first to give search engines and social media platforms the consistent technical standards they need to surface reliable, relevant and honest news.
Our external tech partners, Google, Facebook and Bing, all use the Trust Indicators in display and behind the scenes.
Join our Cause
If you’re a news organization and want to join the Trust Project, use this form to let us know. Learn our requirements in our Resources section.
If you are not a member of the media and appreciate the work we are doing at The Trust Project, follow us on social and share #TheTrustProject with your peers.