Archived: Maintainer Motivations, Challenges, and Best Practices on Open Source Software Security – Open Source Security Foundation

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By Anna Hermansen, Ecosystem Manager at Linux Foundation Research


By Anna Hermansen, Ecosystem Manager at Linux Foundation Research

Open Source Software (OSS) has become a cornerstone of modern software development, powering countless projects and platforms. As the reliance on OSS continues to grow, ensuring the security of these projects is of paramount importance. The Linux Foundation’s recent research report, titled Maintainer Perspectives on Open Source Software Security, provides valuable insights into the views and practices of OSS maintainers and core contributors. Insights were derived from survey data, and the report features a foreword from Cisco’s Stephen Augustus, a maintainer, contributor, and one of open source’s most active participants.

Why does this report matter? 

Maintainers are the engine of open source, and have a unique perspective on security. So which security practices do they espouse, and what ideas do they have to encourage their adoption? If we don’t understand where maintainers are coming from, we have fewer opportunities to provide them with the necessary tools and resources that they very much need. 

Here are the report’s key findings:

Maintainer Perspectives on Open Source Software Security offers a comprehensive view of the current state of OSS security development. From optimistic outlooks to the adoption of advanced security tools and the desire for standardized best practices, the findings highlight the dedication of maintainers and contributors to fortifying the security of open source projects. As the OSS ecosystem continues to evolve, these insights will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing efforts to create a more secure and resilient software landscape.

Who should read this report? 

For maintainers and contributors, this report offers practical approaches, such as the use of advanced tools and the importance of manual code review. It empowers maintainers and contributors to stay abreast of industry trends and best practices, ensuring the continued robustness of their projects.

For business executives overseeing software development teams, they will gain a strategic understanding of OSS security challenges and solutions. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions around resourcing, strategy, and technological implementations  that align with organizational goals, enhance security postures, and foster innovation.

Whether you’re an academic researcher, policymaker, or technology enthusiast, this report unveils the inner workings of OSS development, from a security perspective. It provides a nuanced view into practices, motivations, and challenges that can inform diverse stakeholders about the critical role of OSS maintainers in the software ecosystem. Download the report today!