Opinion: California health care providers’ retreat from COVID masking is shameful
In what universe is it ethically appropriate for physicians and hospitals to infect their own patients with COVID?
In what universe is it ethically appropriate for physicians and hospitals to infect their own patients with COVID?
Doctors are struggling to meet the needs of young people suffering from a severe disease that many still question is real.
The National Institutes of Health hasn’t signed up a single patient to test any potential treatments — despite a clear mandate from Congress to study them. And the few trials it is planning have already drawn a firestorm of criticism
Even mild SARS-CoV-2 infections can amplify a person’s chance of developing diabetes, especially for those already susceptible to the disease.
A list of more efficient ways to seek answers, and some ideas about how to manage while you look for them!
Data from 41 studies, including more 860,000 people around the world. Of the four studies with vaccination information of nearly 250,000 people, those who had been vaccinated against Covid-19 had almost half the risk of long Covid than people who weren’t vaccinated.
Compared to uninfected people, this group was around 40% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and five times more likely to die during the 18 months afterwards. People who had experienced severe infection were at even higher risk.
We’re finally starting to see the truth about the vexing condition. It’s not what we thought.
The causes of long COVID, which disables millions, may come together in the brain and nervous system.
A higher-than-average number of deaths in recent years, mainly from COVID-19, accounts for around 400,000 of the labor-force shortfall, according to the Fed.